ECCC Report Highlights Strong Performance of Emissions Regulations

ECCC Report on GHG Emissions Regulations: The findings of a recent report published by Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on the performance of heavy-duty greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions regulations for the trucking industry in Canada.

Trucking Industry’s Environmental Commitment: This is the trucking industry’s efforts to reduce fuel consumption and emissions, as well as its collaboration with the Government of Canada on implementing realistic and effective regulations.

Need for Expanded Support and Incentives: There are advocacies for more support from the government for the trucking industry’s decarbonization efforts, such as the Green Freight Program that provides rebates for emissions reduction technologies.

Ineffectiveness of the Carbon Tax: The carbon tax does not provide any additional incentive for the trucking industry to reduce its carbon footprint, as it is already doing everything possible with the current technology. The web page calls for the removal of the carbon tax from diesel fuel.

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